Post Modernism has always been difficult to describe as it is a contrast of cultures and ideals, all mixed, whilst given equality of value. The singer, Madonna has often been stated as a good representation of what post modernism is. In essence Post modernism is considered a way of finding something modern; through the consumption of other products, genre and movements, and Madonna does this through her music. For instance in the music video 'Like a Prayer' , a convergence between Gospel Choir and Pop is formed in the actual musical side of the performance.
Likewise, other influences have been drawn upon and in some cases parodied or homage within Madonna's music videos. The long list includes intertextuality beyond that of music, but in other media, such as Musicals, fashion and art culture, and current worldwide religious or cultural events (In Like a Prayer, the narrative relates to the Rodney King murder as Madonna’s character witnesses a rape, and a black man who comes to help gets arrested and her character must decide whether or not to testify to release him and risk getting attacked by the real culprit or not).The philosopher, Friedrich Jameson has critised Post Modernism often as he believes that 'Postmodernism is a decorative, superficial, gratuitous eclecticism cannibalising the styles of the past' , which in principle means that the products of the movement are just a decorative combination of too much of everything, that swallows the beliefs and ideals of the past to fuel itself. This is something Madonna often does in her work and in some ways her life. 'Sometimes I feel guilty because I move though people...
you take what you can and you move on.' (Madonna)
Beyond intertextuality and ultimate convergence, the philosopher Jean Francois Lyotard theorised that Post Modernism drives audiences to accept micro narratives (smaller beliefs and ideals) whilst rejecting the meta narratives (larger beliefs of sub cultures). Madonna has often rebelled against the Meta narratives in society, such as gender, class, race, sexuality and religion. Again, using the music video 'Like a prayer’ as an example, in addition to the convergence in the actual performance, other symbols were incorporated that created huge controversy due to this anarchy against societies beliefs at the time. For instance, in the video, she has sexual intercourse with a black 'Jesus' in the church. This action caused her to be dispelled from the Catholic Church as it was seen as heresy. This was because it was such a strong break of conventional presentation of a powerful religious figure, and not only that but because of the racism at the time also. Other controversial symbolism in the video included the representation of a female god, and provocative dancing in front of the burning cross (a symbol of the KKK). Like a Prayer strove to present equality within race and gender in religion, and this push for grand equality also been evident in other music videos such as Express Yourself ( finding love in lower classes- class equality) and Open Your Heart ( love beyond job title and class). Additionally in the 'documentary' - In Bed with Madonna, on tour, her dancers are often homosexual and when on stage male and female costumes and representations are manipulated to create a blur between the boundaries of gender.
Even if the meanings behind the music, the denotations of the narratives are taken away, Madonna still presents herself in a post modernist way. Another post modern theorist -Jean Baudrillard, believed that instead of having the choice to accept micro narratives, as an audience, we follow the Hypodermic needle model and accept the truths that are communicated by the media. There is no reality, but rather 'hyperreality', a reality that is a facade created by the media. This concept of created or constructed truth relates heavily to Madonna. In her work she is always wearing a mask, hiding behind the idea of a 'performance'. So much so that in the 1980's Madonna constructed an alternate identity or character, Deita, of which performed, divulging the audience in a world of often sexual fantasies that would leave the audience wondering at the end whether of not Deita was but one of Madonna’s many masks or an actual window into Madonna’s personality. In addition to this, she often incorporates symbols or icons that create connotations of theatre or a staged performance. These icons include; the tragic clown (on stage performances), various masks, the closing of curtains and choreographed dance sequences within the middle of a set narrative - all of which are synonymous with theatre or manipulated performance.
Madonna has a mixed opinion in society. Some people consider her simply an attention seeker with Ray Kerrison of the New York Post once stating that 'She will do anything, say anything to draw attention to herself and make a buck. She is the quintessential symbol of the age; self indulgent, sacrilegious, shameless, hollow.' Others believe that she is both a musical and cultural phenomenon; She presents herself as a rebel, the postmodern hero is always the rebel, always the anarchist, always the one tearing down the framework and deconstructing it.' (Jock McGregor). Either way, Madonna is a representation of what postmodernism is. The pro's and the con's of the movement are out there for the audience to see through her life, as it is lived through the media.
'I'm still curious and still hungry. I want more knowledge. I want more information. I want more experience.'' (Madonna)