Monday, 8 March 2010

We've hit the tube not literally!

Hey heys! After much waiting by Lauren (3 hours to upload! O.o), shes managed to get our film on youtube. Its quite good quality, I would say though that our visual editing has maybe degraded the films overall visual quality so blowing it up to full screen will probably be a bit painful (anyone say pixelation?).

I've got a handle on the review page after looking at some examples in the empire magazine. Using the template as the basis, I created the fictional 'Shorts review' section of an empire mag. Heres a screenshot of what it looks like

Obviously some of this is difficult to see because of the quality of picture but I took key elements of the empire layout (Look Closer - Using actual film facts from our film , Caption on the image that has a thinnly veiled joke, large quotation from the review, star rating, and some of the smaller graphics I attempted to recreate (red/ orange bar , small circle with arrow in it at the start and end of the review ). I put my own spin on the overview mast head (In Cinemas) and changed it to On Line as our film is intended to be a low budget internet based film. I also included the website and page numbers on the base of the page.

Initially my draft was critised due to the uneven textbox sizes and the fact the default size (A4) isnt actually the size of normal magazines as they are normally wider and slightly shorter. After a quick refresher of publishers features (my year 11 gcse ict teacher must be weeping!) i remembered most of the key tools at would rectify the criticism originally got. After all this it looked much improved. I would say that I learnt from my feedback and maybe next time i should do more research on magazines before making my first draft to adhere more to conventions.